🙏 prayerhelper.faith

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Let us help you find your voice in prayer.

Do you find it challenging to express yourself when you pray?
Perhaps you're not sure what to say, or you feel like you're not praying correctly.
That's where Prayer Helper comes in.

Prayer Helper is a personalized approach to prayer that helps you find your voice in prayer, no matter what denomination or faith you practice. And the best part?
It's completely free and we don't keep any of your information.

Simply answer our six uncomplicated questions, and we'll craft a personalized prayer that addresses your specific situation and concerns.
We believe that praying should be easy and tailored to your unique needs.
We're here to help you achieve that.

So why wait? Let us help you find your voice in prayer today with Prayer Helper.
Try it now and experience the power of connecting with God in a meaningful way.

All questions are optional.
Only answer what is comfortable to you.

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What denomination or faith do you practice?

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What are you grateful for today?

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Is there anything that you're struggling with at the moment?

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Is there someone in your life who needs prayer?

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What do you want to ask God for help with?

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What attributes of God do you want to praise Him for?